After outing myself on FB yesterday by promoting this blog I was informed by a friend that I need to tell my parents now, before someone else tells them for me. Much to my dismay, she's right. I'm terrified of doing this. I can only imagine the worst reactions and well, obviously, if they are the worst then they really aren't pleasant. I'm afraid that not only will I lose my parents in the process, but I will also lose my home, and my back-up financial support for things like unexpected medical bills, property taxes, etc. Admittedly, I'm 40 years old, and I should be able to handle those things on my own, but with the economy the way it is, I've been an unemployed student for the past 2 semesters and even before my job didn't pay enough to cover all my bills. So I'm worried.
Another friend reminded me via fb that today is April Fools Day and I need to make certain when I tell my parents that they don't think this is some elaborate hoax that I'm trying to sell them just to yell "April Fool's" at the end. I'm not even certain that starting with "This is not a joke" is going to make it easier to believe.
Add to this the fact that this is just a physically a BAD day for me (i.e. the one day out of the month when it is absolutely impossible to deny that I was born female) and I just feel exhausted and you have me searching for ways to get out of this. I can't get out of this. I set up a scenario yesterday that I can't escape from. This is the 'drop dead date' for telling my parents. Now I just have to do it. Wish me luck, I'll report in later.
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