According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest love letter in history was written by an Indian man named Harish Kondakkuli. The gushing 143-page message took him over three months to complete. Oddly, it was addressed to an imaginary woman, since there was no one in his life he was actually in love with. I encourage you to consider the possibility of exceeding his achievement in the coming weeks, Libra. You're at the peak of your ability to express wickedly delicious passions and profoundly tender intentions. There may even be a real person, not an imaginary one, who warrants your extravagant outflow.
The German word selig can mean "ecstatic," "blessed," or "holy." It implies that profound bliss can be a divine gift; that deep pleasure may generate or come from spiritual inspiration.
The English language doesn't have a term comparable to selig, maybe because our culture regards ecstasy with suspicion. Religious people tend to believe that the blessed are those who are good and kind, certainly not those who are skilled at cultivating rapturous states. People who worship rationality, on the other hand, like intellectuals and scientists, often think of ecstasy as at best an irrelevant state, and at worst a nonproductive or deluded indulgence.
What would you have to do to place yourself in intimate alignment with the values embodied by the word selig?
(My answer. To find myself in intimate alignment with selig I would need to become more comfortable with my body. Find a way to stop the disconnect between my body, my brain and my ecstasy. That's something I'm working on. I want to find the way to unlock the door between my mental pleasure and my physical pleasure, and allow the two to exist simultaneously.)
I'm also working on the writing, as I do wish to discuss my delicious passions and profoundly tender intentions in the post on understanding my most recent relationship. I'm working on it. Perhaps by Friday, just because of work and personal obligations. The rough draft is written, but it needs editing, and I need sleep. Computer Based training is wearing me out!
ReplyDeleteI may be trashing the rough draft and starting over. I have a better idea of how to frame things, now I just need to be able to remember what it is until I get to write it. :)